About Our Brussels Office

Our values

At Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Brussels, our values are the foundation of everything we do. They guide how we approach challenges, build relationships, and deliver results for our clients. These principles aren’t just words on a page—they’re the driving force behind our commitment to creating meaningful impact in an ever-evolving world.



We care for each other, our clients, our business, and the quality of our work. While we strive for excellence, we are kind and empathetic.


We are intellectually curious and eager to learn. We strive to know as much as we can within our field of expertise but also beyond. We know we're not always the best and seek to understand where the bar for excellence sits.


We enjoy pushing ourselves to excel; we appreciate that excellence takes hard work.

Our approach

EU Public Affairs

Shaping EU policy and politics is harder than ever. Policy making in Brussels remains highly technical: public affairs professionals must understand process and policy as well as ever. Meanwhile, a more political Commission, engaged Parliament and greater involvement from member states, fuelled by a more active citizenry, has created a more challenging and emotive political environment.

Integrated and multi-channel

Our consultants reflect the full spectrum of skills required to succeed in EU public affairs. We have experts with decades of experience in the European Commission and regulatory agencies who can navigate the most technical of expert groups, through to journalists and ad agency veterans who are able to develop programmes and campaigns that build political capital and shape public sentiment.


As cost-centres are heavily scrutinised by businesses, in-house public affairs professionals increasingly have to demonstrate clearer ROI on their activities. Moreover, they are being judged not only on protecting the business but how far they can help it grow. We understand these challenges and have people on staff with decades of in-house experience to help clients most effectively demonstrate the business value of public affairs.

High-calibre Senior Advisers

With +15 Senior Advisers, we have the largest cohort in Brussels. Each with decades of experience at very senior levels at the institutions, in national government, and industry, our Senior Advisers are fully embedded in our team, working with clients and mentoring our younger staff members every day.

Independent and partner owned

We are owned by our partners, so we invest our profits in people rather than payments to holding companies. As a result, we have higher ratios of staff to revenue than most consultancies, which means our consultants are less stretched, and we believe, able to perform to a higher level.

Expert partner agencies

We wish we knew it all, but sadly we don’t. Given the complexity of environment in which we operate, we believe it is essential to have a wide array of partners that are experts in elements of public affairs and strategic communications that we do not master, like research, event management, and digital marketing. We have formal partnerships with an array of leading specialist agencies.

Get in touch

You can always reach out directly to James Stevens, Managing Partner via email: james.stevens@rudpedersen.com